
Functional Libraries for Java 8


Java 8 provides us with new APIs to support a functional programming style. While the standard provides us with a good basis, we sometimes wish for even shorter or powerful ways to write clean code for complex tasks. In this talk I will show you some additional libraries for Java 8 (and beyond) which give you this little extras here and there. I will cover a wide variety of use cases like filter/map/reduce, stream API add-ons, lambdas with unit testing, SQL query support.

This will cover among others: Javaslang, JUnit 5, jOOL and other nice libraries I will dig out during my search.


Rabea Gransberger (@rgransberger) studied computer science and got a diploma in 2008. I’m co-leading the software development department and working as a software engineer on various projects at MEKOS. My main focus is on keeping the code base clean and educating the team on how to write better code. I’m a well known speaker at Java conferences and user groups around the world. I started the Java user group Bremen in 2012 and am part of the organisation team ever since. Besides software development I likes to watch Werder football games in the local Weserstadium.

Most of the time I’m writing Java software based on Eclipse RCP. I configure our Continuous Integration servers and try to automate the deployments as much as possible. Sometimes I also do Javascript, C#, VBA or other languages I need to complete my current task.


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