
Hibernate in complex projects – Can we be a little faster?

Thorben Janssen


(Vortrag wird auf deutsch sein, Abstract liegt bislang nur in English vor)

Hibernate is the de-facto standard for persisting data in a relational database. It provides excellent developer productivity and is so easy to use that you can learn it within a few hours.

That changes as soon as your application needs to handle a huge amount of data or if you want to guarantee very short response times. Features and concepts that work perfectly fine for smaller applications start to become a burden that slows down your application.

But that doesn’t have to be the case for your application. Hibernate is a great fit for complex projects with high-performance requirements. You only need to know which features to use and which you should better avoid.

During this talk, I will show you how to get the most out of your Hibernate-based persistence layer. By following these recommendations, you will be able to enjoy Hibernate’s developer productivity and provide a blazingly fast experience to your users.


Thorben Janssen (@thjanssen123) ist freiberuflicher Trainer und Autor des Buchs “Hibernate Tips – More than 70 solutions to common Hibernate problems”. Er entwickelt seit mehr als fünfzehn Jahren Anwendungen auf Basis von Java EE und ist Mitglied der JSR 365 (Contexts and Dependency Injection for JavaTM 2.0) Expert Group. Auf seinem Blog www.thoughts-on-java.org schreibt er mehrmals wöchentlich über Java EE und Hibernate.

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